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  • Go to My Assessments
  • Search for the desired Assessment
  • Click on Schedule Assessment .
  • Set the country, time zone and the open/close date and time values for the login window.
  • There are 3 ways to add candidates' information: Bulk data upload, Add individually and Common Link.
    • For the Bulk data upload method, you need to download a sample template from the system. The sample template is available in CSV and XLSX format. Username is the only mandatory field but if you need to send Email and SMS invitations to candidates, you also need to provide Email and Mobile Number values.
    • For the Add individually method, you need to add candidates' profile information such as First/Last Name, Username one by one.
    • For the Common Link method, the username and password remains the same for all the candidates, but the number of attempts per user can be restricted. For example, if the count is 10, a user can take 10 attempts using the same test login details. The system will activate security questions to distinguish the candidate's identity in this scenario.
  • Assessment completion alert: This is an optional feature. If this feature is switched on, the system will send a notification email to the assigned email address once the test has been completed.
  • In the Candidate Notifications column, the system provides two delivery options: Email and SMS. Click on the pencil icon to select target templates. The template listed here is from the Scheduling category. Users can be added in cc and bcc of the email.
  • When the assessment contains special modules/questions that need to be evaluated or rated manually, a special column, Assign Invigilators (evaluators) will appear on the scheduling page.
  • In the invigilators list, all users who have Evaluate Candidates permissions can be selected as the evaluator responsible for the target candidate(s). Multiple evaluators can be selected.
  • Invigilators Notifications is also a special column that appears, accompanied by manual evaluation work. There are two kinds of notifications. One is assignment alert, which will be triggered when the test is scheduled. The other notification is completion alert, which will be triggered when the test is submitted by candidates and scores are generated. The recipient of these two alerts is the responsible invigilator (evaluator).
  • When you are happy with everything, press the Schedule button at the bottom right and then Proceed in the pop up window.
  • The test scheduling work is now complete.
  • When you choose the bulk data upload method to synchronize candidates' information, the system will download a credential list containing the username and password of each candidate in your upload list. This happens automatically when tests are scheduled.

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  • Go to “Create Assessment”.
  • Select a combination of modules from the proposed list. You may select the target or a random module combination (if no proposal plan meets your requirement) to start the configuration work.
  • On the next page, you need to provide a name for the Assessment.
  • Select the target modules in the delivery list.
  • Adjust the module delivery sequence by dragging it to the upper/lower position.
  • The system also allows you to add other valid modules to the selection list. You can do this by clicking on the + button in the bottom right corner.
  • Click on Save and then click on Next
  • In the next step, you need to configure proctoring features, Assessment delivery mode and registration form. These features can be switched off if not required.
  • The penultimate step is to set cut offs for the assessment. The system will generate a recommendation status value based on the cut off which is set by the user. The cut off feature can be switched off if not required.
  • The final step is to schedule the test for the candidates.

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Accessing candidate results on the iAssess platform is quick and easy.
  • Go to Assessments and click on My Assessments
  • Find the desired assessment by searching with its name or keywords
  • Click on theCompleted button (deep blue color) or candidate details (paper shaped icon on far right)
  • A new page will open and scores will be visible under the Test Scores column on the interface. If this column is not visible then you can add it by clicking on the gray settings button.
  • The Candidate PDF report and results in excel format can be downloaded from the Reports and Excel Tabs.

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To create and schedule an interview, please follow the below steps :

  • Click on Configure and Schedule under Codemeet/Smartmeet
  • Click on Smartmeet
  • Enter the Configuration Name as required
  • Enter the Job Role. If the role is not listed, select Others and enter your job role name in the text box.
  • You can also enable question delivery if you want to deliver questions to the candidate during interview that may require whiteboard or compiler.
  • Under evaluation parameters, enter your parameters on which you want your recruiter/interviewers to rate the candidate in the final evaluation.
  • Click on Save & Exit or Schedule Now to send the invite to participants.

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The number of tests that can be scheduled is determined by two types of parameters: the credit balance and credit quota of each test paper.
After logging in to the account, you can view the credit balance of the current account in the account summary in the top right corner. You can also check historical consumption details and credit points quotas for each test paper here.

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With just a few clicks you can reschedule an expired or pending interview and the system will automatically send an updated invite through email and SMS to both participants (Interviewers and Candidates). Steps to follow:

  • Click on Smartmeet.
  • Go to My interviews page.
  • Go to the interview that you want to reschedule. You can either go to the interview by clicking on View all Candidates and searching for a candidate by email ID or you can go directly to that particular configuration, click on Candidate list (small paper shaped icon on the far right of the screen).
  • Click on the reschedule icon under the Action column (circular arrow icon).
  • Select the updated date and time. The system also allows you to update interviewer or candidate details if required.
  • Click on Schedule.

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  • Go to My Assessments.
  • Find the target test and click on the Candidate Details icon, which resembles a piece of paper.
  • Input the target username/email (you can search multiple candidates' record by separating each email with a comma) in the search bar and run.
  • Select the Send Email button on the right in the Actions area.
  • Be aware that the system will send candidates invalid password values (displaying Same as previous one) in this notification. Even if you set password parameter coding in the template, the correct password still can not be synchronized.
  • If you have to resend the invitation with a valid password value, then please click on the reschedule icon and then select generate new password. This will create a new password which will be assigned to the candidate's email id.
  • You can also choose to resend SMS notifications or reschedule another test for the same candidate.
  • The system also allows you to change the password for any pending test (active but not running). This feature is located on the right end of each candidate's line.
  • Pending tests can also be disabled from here.

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  • Go to User Management in the Navigation column.
  • Select Add User
  • A short form will appear. All mandatory fields need to be completed.
  • The system only supports unique usernames. If the username you enter is already in use, the system will add a suffix.
  • The next step is to provide permission/assign role to a particular user. It may vary depending upon the designation of the user.
  • Head HR is the highest role [all access] that can be given to the user.
  • Customized role/permission can also be created as per the requirements.

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iAssess supports bulk question upload.
If you want to deliver your own questions to candidates, the authoring tool can help you to complete the synchronization work.

  • Go to Question Bank and then enter the Bulk Upload page.
  • Download the upload template from the first step of the instructions.
  • Following the example in the template, fill in the contents of each field, such as the question statement, category, score, language, etc.
  • Go back to the iAssess platform and press Upload.
  • Select the target template file and confirm, then press the Save and Next button.
  • On the landing page, the system will display all the question details you just entered/modified, and here you can choose to edit/delete or directly release target questions.
  • There are two options located at the bottom right.
    • Save as draft means the questions are saved and you can edit them whenever you want, but the draft questions can not be added into any modules, nor be delivered to candidates.
    • Save and Release means questions can be used for the next stage to assemble modules and assessments. However, you will no longer be able to modify them.

NOTE: The system features an alternative solution allowing you to change the content/settings of released questions. Using this feature you can copy questions, change the target contents, then release this duplication as a new question.

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iAssess supports bulk candidate/interviewer upload for smartmeet/codemeet interviews.

  • Go toConfigure and Schedule.
  • Configure the interview name, job role and evaluation parameters then press the Schedule Now button.
  • When you enter the Scheduling page, you will find the Bulk upload data button in the top right corner.
  • To use this function you will need to download a template from the instructions in a pop up window.
  • Refer to the example in the template and fill in the contents of each field, such as date, time, duration, interviewer email etc.
  • After editing the contents of the template, return to the iAssess platform and select upload file.

Through bulk uploading, you can effectively complete the synchronization of candidates and questions for tests or interviews.

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  • Click on Username in the top right corner.
  • Select Custom template.
  • There are two tabs displayed on the landing page, one is Email, the other one is SMS. Candidates can be notified by Email, SMS or both.
  • Go to Template Type, there are several options available in the dropdown list. You may select the relevant Type as per the requirement.
  • You can either select an existing template or create a customized template by clicking on Create New.
  • Input the Email/SMS body in the content area. The body layout and format can be customized.
  • To include dynamic fields such as username, password, name and date range please use %username%, %password%, %name%, %startDateTime%, %endDateTime%.
  • Please not that the content length for the SMS template is restricted to 160 characters.
  • Once the template has been created [Email or SMS], it can be made active as a User default template or a Company default template.

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We do have the functionality to create a customized registration form, which can be given a suitable name. You can create this while creating an assessment as described under How can I create new Assessments? and on the Environment page, you can create a new form. You can add custom fields with different entry types such as radio buttons, drop-downs, text boxes, calendars, etc., or you can simply check the pre-defined fields and set them as mandatory or non-mandatory.

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In the initial stage of cooperation, our customer experience manager will take the initiative to organize and invite you to participate in relevant product training. For subsequent training requirements, you can contact your CSM to confirm the time and delivery method.

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The iAssess platform's user manual is attached to this article. 

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iAssess™ is our recruiter platform. It offers you a faster, easier way of accessing your assessments, interviews and custom Test Modules. It helps you set up assessments and inteviews to test potentital recruits and also allows you to view and access reports

Creating, managing and analyzing your assessments and interviews is easy due to the administrative interface’s intuitive design, streamlined workflows and availability across multiple browsers and devices.

The iAssess platform URL is

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When you log into the iAssess platform, the Dashboard will be your default landing page.
Through the data in the panel, we can intuitively understand the total number of tests that are scheduled, completed or expired, along with different recommended statuses according to the established rules within the specified time range.
In the candidate statistics column, the system also counts the data of the above parameters according to the test paper dimensions.

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The iAssess Minimum browser requirements are:
  • Firefox 60 and above
  • Chrome 60 and above
  • Safari 11 and above.
  • IAssess is not compatible on Mobile web browser.

However, to provide the best candidate experience we do have browser recommendations for different tests.
Please check the list below for these details:
  Desktop Mobile Web Mobile App
  Browser Version Browser Version Browser Version
Module List Chrome
IE (11) Safari (13) Edge (18) Android - Chrome (78) iOS - Safari (13) iOS - Chrome (78) Android iOS
MCQ, SJT Personality 50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Supported Supported
50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Supported Supported
Chat Simulation 50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Supported Supported
Call Simulation 50+ 31+ Not supported 11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Supported Supported
SVAR 50+ 31+ 10 and 11 (Flash required) 11+ All 50+ 13 Cannot be supported Supported Supported
Open Response 50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Not supported Not supported
Animation SJTS 50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All 50+ 11+ 50+ Not supported supported
Automata 50+ 31+ 10 and 11  11+ All Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported
Autoview 50+ 50+ Cannot be supported 11+ 79+ 50+ 11+ Cannot be supported Not Supported supported
CodeMeet 60+ 60+ Cannot be supported 12.1+ Cannot be supported Not supported Not supported Cannot be supported Not supported Not supported
SmartMeet 60+ 60+ Cannot be supported 12.1+ Cannot be supported Not supported Not supported Cannot be supported Supported Supported

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Common login is an alternative scheduling method additional to bulk data upload or adding individually.
All the tests arranged by common login will have the same user name and password.
The system will require users to restrict the number of attempts, and mark the candidates' identity through security questions.
This method is often used in the scenario of open invitation. For example, if there is no clear candidate list for some positions, you can release test credentials and invitations on public platforms and the prospective candidates can take the test directly and calculate the result.

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As a default setting, there are seven different roles available: Head HR, Recruiting Manager, Coordinator, Supervisor, Associate, Interviewer, Invigilator.
The head HR has all operation permissions, whilst the remaining six types of roles block certain features and content. You can customize new roles according to your own needs to achieve more flexible work management.

Please see the attached document which shows the specific permissions for every user role.

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The 900 point system corresponds to the score rule previously used in our system. As of May 2020, the 900 point system is no longer used. All the module scoring systems are currently 100 points.

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When using the iAssess platform, you may see that modules/questions have different tags or competencies. The main function is to help users quickly locate the target, facilitate selection and proceed to their next steps. Tags can be added when creating/uploading questions and modules. These should be easy to remember, or classify content according to its characteristics.

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1. Unable to login to iAssess.
Please make sure you follow the below mentioned steps to login to our portal:
  • Use the URL -
  • Type the username provided to you (username is case sensitive)
  • Type the password  click on forgot password in case you don’t remember your password
  • Enter your email ID and the mail to generate the password will be triggered in your mailbox.
Additionally, make sure that the below mentioned URLs are whitelisted at your end. You can connect with you IT team to get this checked.
Frontend URL: 
Backend URL: 
2. Did not receive verification mail for iAssess.
Please make sure you follow the below mentioned steps to login to our portal:
  • Use the URL -
  • Type the username provided to you (username is case sensitive)
  • Type the password  click on forgot password in case you don’t remember your password
  • Enter your email ID and the mail to generate the password will be triggered in your mailbox.
3. Getting blank screen/ page not loading.
We hope that you are using the most updated version of google chrome/ mozilla firefox to launch the portal. Please clear the browser cache using ctrl+shift+delete and then try to login after a few minutes.

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In the initial stage of cooperation, our customer experience manager will take the initiative to organize and invite you to participate in relevant product training. For subsequent training requirements, you can contact your CSM to confirm the time and delivery method.

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The iAssess platform's user manual is attached to this article. 

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1. Microphone issue – cannot connect my microphone.
Case1: Unable to hear while using Microphone
Which Microphone selected on the ‘Permission’ screen?
  • If using system Microphone, you should select ‘Default’ from the drop down when asked by the system 
  • If using an External Microphone/Headset, then select that particular Microphone/Headset from the drop-down list. You should not select ‘Default’. If this is still not working, please use the windows sound recorder to ensure your microphone is working fine​​​​​​
Case2: Unable to hear your own Voice (Even after using External Microphone/Headset)
Please follow the below-mentioned steps to perform self-troubleshooting:
  • Refer to the voice recorder setting of your system and boost the microphone volume to the maximum
  • Restart the system once to ensure that the changes are reflecting on the system along with the browser
  • If the changes are reflecting, then please try to login to the test
In case the issue persists, please switch to some other browser preferably Mozilla Firefox. When you are prompted for allowing access to your Microphone, please select Microphone tagged with “High Definition Audio”. Do not use the default microphone from the dropdown.
In Case if you are unable to hear Voice even after following the troubleshooting steps, we would suggest to try and switch to a different system.
2. Webcam issue – cannot connect my webcam
Please check your webcam through the link provided here:
Screenshot showing popup menu for setting camera permission
If the webcam still does not work:
Please make sure that your Camera has permission on the site.
For this you have to go to site setting and give Camera  permission "Allow".

Graphical user interface, website

Description automatically generated
If message is unsuccessful:
The webcam is mandatory for the test. Kindly close the test browser without clicking quit/exit/submit option and clear the cache memory of browser and restart the browser and then try again.
You can also try using the Mozilla browser. If problem still persists, please switch to some another system with proper working webcam.    
3. Candidate has not joined the interview yet
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for this request, if you have access to recruiter support, please call on the any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite email and the concerned executive will get in touch with the candidate.
​​​​​​​4. Not able to see/ hear the candidate
Please suggest to the candidate to enable his/her microphone/webcam on the platform. You can suggest to the candidate to go through the demo of the platform using the ‘Quick tour’ on the top right hand side of the screen. You can also suggest to the candidate to click on the ‘device status’ option and check if the device is working fine.
5. Logged out due to technical glitch/ power failure
We advise you to wait for 2 minutes and then login back to the interview using the same link.
6. Candidate is not able to view the questions that are made visible
You can ask the candidate to click on the ‘Q’ option in the bottom middle of the screen in order to view the questions.
7. Candidate is not able to view the language selection option
The drop down to the languages in located on the top right hand side of the editor. You can suggest the candidate to go through the demo of the platform using the ‘Quick tour’ on the top right hand side of the screen.
8. Want to reschedule my interview to a later date and time
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled the interview to get this rescheduled/cancelled, if you have accessed recruiter support please call on any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite and the executive will reschedule the interview for you.
8. Want to reschedule my interview to a later date and time
We recommend you get in touch with the recruiter who has scheduled the interview to get this rescheduled/cancelled, if you have accessed recruiter support please call on any of the numbers mentioned in the interview invite and the executive will reschedule the interview for you.
9. Candidate is not able to execute the code
To execute the code, please ask the candidate to click on ‘run’ option on the top right hand side of the editor.
10. Question seems to be incorrect
Please reach out to the account manager or the servicing manager for this request, if you are not directly in touch with them please raise this to the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for you.
11. Unable to add my own questions
You can use the ‘Q’ option ib the bottom middle of the screen and then click on ‘add your own questions’. If this option is not visible to you, the functionality has not been enabled. Please reach out to your servicing manager to get this enabled/checked. If you are not directly in touch with the servicing manager, please raise this to the recruiter who has scheduled this interview for you.
12. Getting logged out of smart interview in every 2 minutes
We hope that you are using the most updated version of google chrome/ mozilla firefox to launch smart interview. Please clear your browser cache using ctrl+shift+delete and then re- try after two minutes. If it is still not working, please check if your internet connection is stable.

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The subsequent triggers can take up to 5-10 minutes depending on the type of module. It is also possible that the candidate did not submit the test correctly – in this particular case our system can take up to 4 hours to be triggered from our end. However, if the given instances are not applicable for you, please connect with your servicing manager.

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The score push back could take up to 5-10 minutes depending on the type of module. It is also possible that the candidate did not submit the test correctly – in this particular case our system can take up to 4 hours to push the data. However, if the given instances are not applicable for you, please connect with your servicing manager.

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1. Not able to see ‘strong consider/ not consider’ on iAssess.
This usually happens when the candidate has not attempted one or more modules. You can download the excel sheet or the PDF report of the candidate and cross check the same. 
2. Not able to search a candidate on the portal.
Make sure that you are using the correct email ID of the candidate to locate the candidate on the portal. The email ID should be the one the candidate has keyed in the registration page while taking the test.
3. Candidate has completed the test but the status is ‘in progress’ on the portal.
This happens when the candidate did not submit the test correctly. The candidate might have exited the test in between or have violated the proctoring. The test will get auto submitted and the status will be shown as completed in the next 4 hours.
4. Portal shows that the result file has been downloaded but can’t find that in the system.
Please look for a pop up blocker on the top right hand side of the search bar while downloading the data. Click on the pop up blocker and then ‘allow access’.  The data will be downloaded in your system.

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  • “Schedule now” option is disabled/ greyed out for single scheduling
Make sure that you are updating all the mandate fields i.e. email ID, username and password to schedule the test. Moreover, the password should be minimum 6 characters long and should be inclusive of upper case & lower case characters, numerical and special characters. If you are still not getting the option, please check if the tags are mandate, if yes, please fill in the details accordingly.
  • “Schedule Now” option disabled/greyed out in bulk scheduling
The file uploaded has some errors, it is recommended that you recheck the file uploaded and follow the template provided at the top of the excel, once the details are entered as per the template you can go ahead and schedule the tests.
  • Getting the error ‘test schedule details could not be saved’ on uploading the bulk file
This error occurs when the bulk file has duplicate entries. Please remove the duplicates using the using ID from the bulk files and the re- load the data.
  • Did not receive the downloaded file after bulk scheduling
Please look for a pop up blocker on the top right hand side of the search bar while downloading the data. Click on the pop up blocker and then ‘allow access’.  The data will be downloaded in your system.

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I am not able to chat with the candidate
Hovering over the image of the candidate, you will be able to see a ‘chat’ icon. Please click on this icon to chat with the candidate.
I am not able to add a candidate to my list
Please refresh or re-login to your system. There must be a list of candidates on the right hand side bar and a ‘+’ sign will appear on hovering over the name of the candidates. You can also search for a candidate by using his/ her name/ email ID.
I can only see 9 candidates on the platform, how can I see the remaining ones?
Please scroll to the next page using the "next" option in the bottom of your screen. Only 9 candidates are displayed at once on the live proctoring platform.
I am not able to find a candidate
Make sure that you are using the correct Email address of the candidate. The email ID should be the one which is used while scheduling the test for the candidate.
How can I block a candidate? 
Hovering over the image of the candidate, you will be able to see a ‘lock’ icon. Please click on this icon to block the test of the candidate.
What do I do if the portal is hanging/the link is broken after adding 50 candidates?
This usually happens when the internet connectivity is not stable. We would recommend to reduce the candidate count to 35-40. It is necessary to have a smooth internet connectivity throughout the session.

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Please find attached the Release Notes from January - December 2022.

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Please find attached the Release Notes from January 2023 - December 2023.

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