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Use a laptop or desktop computer - the virtual Assessment Centre Exercises include an immersive email inbox and document hub. Depending on the exercise type, you may be required to create and present a document with your recommendations. This kind of experience is best suited for a desktop/laptop computer.

Ensure Google Chrome (or Firefox) is your default browser during the assessment. Where possible, test access to any software in advance.

Ensure maximum internet bandwidth during preparation and live meeting activities, e.g. minimise unnecessary streaming in your household/office.

Check your audio / video quality at the start of each live meeting. Note, if you experience a camera and / or microphone problem, you can still use the other live meeting capabilities, e.g. Chat, whiteboard, etc. You can also test your device on one of the links below. Choose the link which best represents your location:


Be prepared to manage your own time. Follow your calendar (and/or any individual schedule provided) to ensure that you enter and exit all activities at the correct time.

Preparation activities are timed and can only be accessed once.

Look after yourself. Virtual assessments can feel particularly exhausting, so use your breaks effectively and step away from the screen.

Use this link to try out your access to SHL’s Virtual Assessment Centre platform.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local Technical Support team by using the Contact Us widget on the right side of this page.

War dieser Artikel hilfreich?

1. What is the test all about?
This is an AI driven Online Interview platform where your responses will be recorded via headphone and webcam and you will be scored based on the respones recorded.
2. What is the test duration?
 20-25 mins
3) What are the technical requirements to take the test?
Answer: The test has 4 basic requirements:
  • A Personal Computer / Laptop
  • A Webcam connected to the System (Not required in case of Laptop with functional in-built Webcam)
  • Headphones with microphone
  • Smooth and uninterrupted Internet connectivity; Download and Upload Speed of minimum 1 Mbps (throughout the testing session, which will last for approximately 20 minutes)

    War dieser Artikel hilfreich?

1. If you're getting a Runtime error or a Timed out error while compiling code:
Please ensure that there is no infinite loop in your code, as this may lead to error while compiling the code.
For each question, there are few visible as well as hidden (edge test cases) test cases. We ask you to review your code and questions once and compile again after modifying your code.

If you still feel that there is an issue or have additional questions, then please contact us by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. Please share your complete query along with your test URL, AMCAT/TalentCentral+ Candidate Experience ID and registered email ID. We will get this checked with the concerned team and get back to you.

2. If you're getting an error even after writing correct code:
For each question, there are few visible as well as hidden (edge test cases) test cases. We ask you to please review your code and questions once and compile your code after modifying it. If you still feel that there is an issue or have additional questions, then please contact us by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page.
Please share your complete query along with your test URL , AMCAT/TalentCentral+ Candidate Experience ID and registered email ID. We will get this checked with the concerned team and will get back to you.
3. If you're getting no error while compiling the code on Local IDE but you are getting a compiler error while compiling code on platform:
For each question, there are few visible as well as hidden (edge test cases) test cases. There might be a possibility that IDE which you are using is unable to detect edge test cases, due to which you are getting no error on local IDE but on our platform, you are getting error while compiling code. We ask you to please review the problem carefully and modify your code accordingly.
If you still feel that there is an issue or have additional questions, then please contact us by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. Please share your complete query along with your test URL, AMCAT/TalentCentral+ Candidate Experience ID, and registered email ID. We will get this checked with the concerned team and get back to you.

4. If you're trying to execute your own test cases or try to print something on platform which is not required for the problem in the test:
You will be unable to test your own test cases on platform. We ask you to kindly write code as a solution to the problem statement only.
If you still feel that there is an issue or have additional questions, then please contact us by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. Please share your complete query along with your test URL, AMCAT/TalentCentral+ Candidate Experience ID and registered email ID. We will get this checked with the concerned team and get back to you.
5. Can I use predefined functions of the specific language and framework to complete the exam?
Pre-defined functions from the standard libraries can be used in the coding assessment. However, we recommend you to not to use a particular function or library than that what is mentioned in the instructions or the usage of library will be blocked by the platform, i.e. if you try to access such a library, the compiler will produce an error.

6. If you're trying to print your own Input (For example, if you are trying to print Hello, hello world , Hi, etc):
You are not allowed to take input explicitly in the code. In the test, you are not required to take input, as the data to be worked is passed to the function.

7. If you're trying to Test your own test Cases:
You will be unable to test your own test cases on platform. We ask you to only write code as a solution to the problem statement.
If you still feel that there is an issue or have additional questions, then please contact us by using the Contact Form widget on the right side of this page. Please share your complete query along with your test URL, AMCAT/TalentCentral+ Candidate ExperienceID, and registered email ID. We will get this checked with the concerned team and get back to you.

8. I have modified the code or language after compiling the code, will my previous compiled code be considered or not?
We would like to inform you that only your latest response will be considered, as all the previous responses will get deleted after once you modify the language or code.

War dieser Artikel hilfreich?

1. How do I join the interview? 
You might have received an invitation to join the interview at your registered email address. To join the interview, hit ‘Join Interview’, it will redirect you to the Smart Interview Live interview session. 
2. I see a window that the interview hasn't started yet? 
If you have entered the platform and observed that the interview hasn’t started yet, it is probably because the interviewer hasn’t yet joined the session. Refresh the URL after a minute or so, and you will be able to enter the platform. 
3. Is there any specific device requirement to run the Smart Interview Live platform?
Yes, please note the Hardware Requirements: webcam and microphone are mandatory. You can also check the compatibility of the devices using the below links:
  • To ensure your webcam is working fine, please click on

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